von kaffeetrinken Fr 29 Jun - 12:37
kommentar von jay newman
Hi Chris and Dawn. So love, love your work. Hey, I have mentioned a guy called Eric Briggs before. With his nod of approval I can share; About the Ultra Violet black-light Sun and the Red Dwarf; this is both transcripted and paraphrased for the sake of Eric Briggs of Catfish channel, he gives the nod. He hasn't diverged but been consistent with everything said over the last 8 years.
Luna observance;
First lesson is to understand that the Moon sits in its’ own shadow which we are told are ‘phases of Earth shadow on the Moon’. Nah, the Moon sits in its’ own shadow.
The shadow on the Moon would never roll with the Moon if it was the Moon doing the rolling, you can’t roll a ball and move that shadow, you have to roll the observer to move that shadow.
There is one indicator that alerted me personally in 2010. The moon rising on a waxing or waning and then it setting in the opposite, such as; rise a wax / set a waning moon, displaying an entire months’ movement of the shadow phase in one night. Normal libation of the moon is only 7.7 degrees a night. Since man has walked the earth the moon has always had a N/S view, and seeing both in one night in a cartwheel has not been seen on this planet. The Moon has always lit one side at rise and set lit that same side. Important part not to be left out, the orientation to lunar orbit has shifted to opposing lunar orbit by 90 degrees.
I had always noted the moon, (because of ‘Naval’ training to observe and correlate the Moon and Stars for tracking) I had never seen it do a cartwheel until 2010, moon rise ‘top lit’ then it rolls clockwise and sets ‘bottom lit’. Frown at top, smiley face setting, I always wondered how one would confound a moon.
It was the polar vortex and lunar spin that clued me in to the fact, our sun has 2 sisters.
N pole has always had a pole storm, it was always described to me as where the sun is grabbing our N pole dragging us through space, the other weather storms for the most part are also driven by the magnetic connections earth has in various places around the globe. Weather follows the ‘Magnet’.
The two Suns arrived and tilted us on our axis, the shadow on the moon, would never roll with the moon if it was the moon rolling. They are magnetically attaching with Earth and pulling as the Sun is supposed to normally. Like as if you loop a string through the two button holes and tug both ends, watch what it does.
Earth as the ‘observer’ is the one moving, flipping, pulled, and rolled, swayed, cartwheeling and spinning. Name it as you will.
In 2014 as I was informing in a discussion with DarkSkyWatcher74 Denise Chavez, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1nCj3KVLsQ
I was observing physically at night the rising of the ‘Ultra Violet’ dwarf star at midnight. It looked similar to the Moon rising. It is a strong magnet and makes connections with the various magnetic ‘spikes’ that protrude from Earth around the Globe. This magnetic pull from the Ultra Violet Sun tips the Earth and makes it spin, this is the observance of the Moon doing ‘cartwheels’ in the sky. This one is closer than the Red Dwarf, although that other sister Sun is in front of our Sun with her planets, all photographed. Any of these planets could belong to ‘either/or’ Sun and there are ten observed.
Our two twin sisters are here and they haven’t been here for 3,000 years, the Blue does an orbital dance around the Red and the Red dances around the Blue.
In the day sky when you look high there is an extreme brightness with a red glow surround and the clouds are like ionized orange plasma. That is the presence of the white Ultra-Violet Sun which is a Blue Star. Many sky-cams pick up the Blue Star as they are technologically enabled to read ‘magnetic signature’. The actual Orb is visible in the Northern latitudes. The Red is a Dark Star in the infrared. Telescopes observe it in the infrared spectrum but it cannot be seen by the naked eye. It has a long wave whereas the Blue Star has shorter wave, some observe it as green, being ultra-violet.
The Polar Vortex and the Moon Flip both began in the same year, 2010. The Lunar and Star-field began to flip a full 180 degrees every night. The Big Dipper and Orion doing the same thing every night. That was us, Earth, flipping 180 degrees.
A Polar Vortex is three Suns dragging us through space. A normal Polar Storm is just the one known Sun pulling us along, now enter another two. Now the Globe has laid down with its’ side toward the Sun, not the polar north. For years now the Polar Vortex has got stronger, the signature of three Suns is the Moon and the night sky doing cartwheels.
Our Sun also has a Red Dwarf and an M class Ultra Violet Sun, Blue Spectrum, ‘black/ light therefore extremely dangerous to biological cells’. The magnetosphere is out of whack and not flowing normally because of the solar wind being upset by the magnetic flux. These are all pulling on our core from various angles (2014 one on night side and one on the day side), they are magnets and they are heating up the core by stimulating it, the expansion means the mantle is opening up, cracks are appearing as well as sink-holes along with the recession of the ocean from beaches.
We ‘live on a ball’, it spins and at night time the Star Motions can be correlated to prove that both the Northern and the Southern Star fields are now moving simultaneously. The Southern Star field is one side of the sky. It moves East to West. Turn around 180 degrees, that sky should move West to East as it’s the total opposing side of the ball. Orion in the Southern field is behaving somewhat ‘normal’, but the Big Dipper normally rotates around Polaris and should be moving from West to East, but as the Sun goes down you see it in the East and when the Sun comes up you see it in the West.
It is now moving simultaneously with the ‘Southern Star field”! It is putting our spin completely out of whack, it should disappear over the Eastern Rim. Now it goes completely backwards to the Western sky. So basically we read that as both star fields are moving together. Watching the star motions they are running directly away from the pink/red glowing light of the Blue Star, and that spells out that we, Earth, are tilting directly toward it every night. At three to five early morning I correlate the stars running in a straight line away from the UV class Sun. We are being pulled in. This is not ‘guess work’!
.....Yep! So that's what it is all about. We can't see the Red Dwarf but the other has those tinges with the purple/pink/red/ orange even green. Highly dangerous as he says. Granny J.